Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I-Search Background

For as long as I can remember, I have always wondered about those people I would pass running on the side of the road. I would think to myself, “How do they do that?” and “Why do they do that?”

In the last couple of years I have become healthier and have incorporated more exercise into my life. I have taken up hiking, joined a gym, bought a bike, and in general become more conscious about my health and well-being. In doing all this, I realized that exercise could be fun and it was something I really enjoyed. When I went to the gym, I loved getting on the treadmill. I especially liked doing interval training. Interval training is when you walk for 5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, and keep doing those intervals for the time set on the treadmill.

Then last summer I was having a hard time trying to get to the gym and I hated not exercising. So I decided that I was going to set the alarm 45 minutes earlier in the mornings and do the interval training outside, right on my road. So the mornings came, the alarm went off and I dragged myself out of bed. Well, after a few mornings I realized that I liked having my exercise out of the way early and I also had much more energy throughout the day when I exercised in the morning. It didn’t take long for me to build up my stamina and soon I was running 3 ½ miles several mornings a week. On the days I couldn’t run, because of weather or an early meeting at work, I found that I really missed it and I realized I had become addicted to running.

Last summer and fall I also participated in a couple of the fundraising walks. I loved participating in these walks and raising money for charity. At these events I met some people that also participated in some local 5k and 10k races. They told me that they really enjoyed running in these races and how much fun they were. Well I thought to myself, I could run in one of those events and what an accomplishment that would be. I guess I had become one of those people running on the side of the road. Now I want to become one of those people that run in races.


johngoldfine said...

Any previous racing or competitive athletics? Any previous relevant physical problems (legs, feet, muscles)--breakdowns are the real thing the racer fights against...?

Otherwise--looks fine at this point.

johngoldfine said...

Maybe this material would fit better into 'What I know.'

johngoldfine said...

My second comment is not clear--I meant that the material I suggested might fit better in that later section--what you've written belongs where it is.

Trisha said...

Thanks for clarifying that, I was a little confused.