Thursday, January 31, 2008

Graf #7 - Rewrite

We all know them, the half-empty, nothing ever goes right, poor me person. These people are hard to be around and they have a way of draining the life out of even the most positive of people. Well I hate to admit it, but my Mom is one of these people. I love my mom dearly but over the last several years she just seems to be getting more and more negative. She always assumes the worst and never sees the bright side to anything. The scary part for me is lately there are times I just don’t want to be around her…my own mom.

To look at my mom, you would think she had it all, but she is a negativist – negative about everything. I very rarely see my mom happy over anything and wonder if she might have some type of depression. She hates her job, hates her family (on most days), hates Maine, hates the cold, etc. Nothing is ever good enough, no matter how hard you try there is just no pleasing her. It seems like every time I talk to her she is always saying how she hates something or is mad at someone.

I finally told her that she has got to find something in life to make her happy or find out what about her life is making her so miserable and change it. Because pretty soon no one is going to want to be around her and that is very sad!

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Tight. Works. No excess.