Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Annotated Source List

“Girls Gotta Move,” Health Magazine


I heard about this site through an article in my Health Magazine. This is a great site, that talks about everything from getting fit, running your first race, forming a club, etc.

Sub 5 Track Club


A friend of mine at work told me about this site. It has information on some local races and how to register for them.

Cool Running


This is a great site with a lot of valuable information. Some of the information was stuff I already knew, but there is a lot of specific training information.

Process Essay

Football, who doesn’t love it? September through December my favorite pastime is watching the New England Patriots play. Their games are one big event for me and I think about it and plan for it all week long. The questions are always the same…The questions that come to mind every week are: Where am I going to watch the game; What will we have for snacks and drinks; and lastly, what outfit am I going to wear? It’s the answers that are sometimes different depending on when the game is and how big of a game it is?

The first question is basically the first step in my planning process, Where am I going to watch the game? If it is a regular game and it is on during the day on Sunday, I will usually watch the game at my mother’s on her 56” T.V. If the game is on in the evening, then I will most likely watch it at home because almost always I have to work the next day. If the game is a “big game” (i.e. playoff, division rivalry), I want to watch it with a bunch of people and get caught up in the excitement. For me my favorite place to do this is the Ground Round. So whether I will be at my mom’s, home or the Ground Round, football will be on and I will be watching it.

The second question is the second step in my planning process, What will we have for snacks and drinks? If we are going to watch the game at my mom’s, it will usually be sandwiches and salads with chips and dip. This works really well, because no one has to be doing the cooking and you can eat whenever you are hungry. For drinks it is usually beer unless one of my relatives is whipping up some fancy concoction. If I am home, it will usually be popcorn and beer. I need to keep it simple, because I will be the one doing it all. If the choice is the Ground Round, it will always be appetizers. During Patriots games they have half price appetizers, so we usually consume our fair share of Buffalo Wings (cooked crispy and hot). The drink of choice for me will always be a tall Miller Lite. So where ever I am watching the game, the food and drinks will always be good and I half to exercise extra hard during the week to work it all off.

The third question is the last in final step in my planning process, What am I going to wear? Being the Patriot fanatic that I am, I have shirts in every color…pink, blue, white, and red. I have long-sleeved, three-quarter sleeved, short-sleeved and tank tops. I also have several jerseys, my favorite being my red, throwback Tedy Bruschi jersey. My decision is usually based upon the season and the weather. If it is hot, I will wear one of my short-sleeved shirts…probably my red 54 autographed shirt. As the weather turns colder, I may start out with a short-sleeved shirt and bring one of my Patriots sweatshirts with me to put on when I get cold. But I will always wrap the season up with a white, long-sleeved shirt underneath my Tedy Bruschi jersey. No matter which shirt I choose, I will always have my Patriots earrings, socks and sneakers on to complete my ensemble.

No matter what my choices are for the given week, I know that come Sunday (or maybe Monday) I will be watching the New England Patriots play, I will be eating good food and I will be the best-dressed Patriots fan out there! I know these are not the normal thoughts for most girls and I have on occasion been told I am worse than some guys, but this is what I live for…Football!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Contrast Essay

Living in a town that does not have its own high school gives my son the opportunity to choose which high school he would like to attend. Over the past month this has been quite the process for both him and I. Basically, he can go to any high school he wants but the town of Orrington will only provide transportation to Brewer High School and John Bapst. So for us the choice came down to these two schools and we have spent the last month visiting them and going through the application process. So the question was, “Where does my son want to spend the next 4 years getting an education?” The decision process came down to several things that ultimately helped him make his choice.

One important factor in making this decision was the size of the school. John Bapst has a student body of approximately 480 students. A smaller school makes for a closer community among fellow students and teachers. Students seem to get more individualized attention from their teachers; some classes only have 10 students in them. At the John Bapst parent orientation night, we were told that studies have shown kids who attend smaller schools outperform kids from larger schools and the kids who attend smaller schools are more likely to attend college. Where Brewer High School’s student body has close to 1,000 students and the classes are much larger; some with as many as 25 students.

Another factor was that John Bapst is a college-preparatory high school. The John Bapst website states “It is cool to study at John Bapst and cool to do well academically.” Of the graduating class in 2007 at Bapst, only two students did not go on to college in the fall. You get the feeling that kids who attend John Bapst, attend with plans of going on to college. Brewer High School does offer Advanced Placement/Honors classes, but it is not their only curriculum. Therefore, not everyone at Brewer will be looking ahead to college.

For my son, he was instantly drawn to the character of John Bapst. He loves the history associated with the school. He stated that it would be like going to school at Hogwarts (from the famous Harry Potter books). There are a lot of rumors surrounding John Bapst…a pool on the roof, a hidden classroom called the “Purple Dragon Room,” a nun died there, etc. and he finds this all very interesting. When he visited Brewer High School, he said it was boring…just long, straight hallways – nothing exciting.

So my son has made his choice, which was John Bapst. He completed his application and his essay and turned it in before the deadline. Now we wait, until the first week of April to hear whether or not he has been accepted. We are in hopes that he will spend his next 4 years as a John Bapst Crusader.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I-Search What Revised

Let’s see, there are a variety of things I already know but quite a bit that I do not.

What are the steps in preparing for a 10k race?
I know that you should start out small and build up endurance, but I am not sure if there is a recommended way to prepare. I do think I will be more prepared if I run a few 5k races first. This will help me understand the racing side of things. I am not sure what foods you should eat before, during and after a race, but I’m sure carbs are involved at some point.

Is there special equipment/gear that I should have?
I have been told to invest in a really nice pair of sneakers because in the long run it will be money well invested. I am sure that some type of moisture-wicking clothing would be best, but not sure if I should have particular clothing (i.e. pants, jacket). I am not sure if people carry their own water or if water is provided at the race

In regards to the actual races, I really have no idea what the process is or how to go about all those things: registering, fundraising, and what races are out there.

A lot of people set out to try and achieve this goal and may along the way fail for a variety of reasons. I know that training will not be easy and that you should be an experienced runner before trying to compete in a race. I know that some runners are plagued with pre-disposing injuries that can make the training process more difficult, if not impossible. This particular knowledge worries me for the simple fact that I am currently dealing with some left knee pain.

The main thing I know is that this is not going to be an easy thing to do, but I hope in the long run it is something I will accomplish.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I-Search What

What I Know
I know that a lot of people set out to try and achieve this goal and may along the way fail for a variety of reasons. I know that training will not be easy and that you should be an experienced runner before trying to compete in a race. I know that some runners are plagued with pre-disposing injuries that can make the training process more difficult, if not impossible. This particular knowledge worries me for the simple fact that I am currently dealing with some left knee pain.

What I Don’t Know
I don’t know if my left knee pain will prevent me from achieving this goal. I suspect that in the long run, it will not prevent me from achieving my goal. After all, athletes have extensive knee injuries and surgeries and once rehabilitated, come back to their respective sport.

The main thing I know is that this is not going to be an easy thing to do, but I hope in the long run it is something I will accomplish.

I-Search Why

The reasons why I am writing about this topic are simple. I know that by learning how to prepare for a race and complete in races, that I will be healthier and more physically fit. I also feel that it is important to set goals and do your best to accomplish them and this is a goal I feel I can achieve. I also want to be able to give others advice on how to prepare for a race so they will be able to achieve their goals as well.

The questions I need to answer in order to achieve this goal are:

What are the steps in preparing for a 10k race?

Is there a recommended training process?
How long is the training process?
Should I run a 5k first?
Do I need to have a special diet before/after a race?

Is there special equipment/gear that I should have?
Do I need a certain kind of sneaker?
Should I wear special clothes?
Do I need to be able to carry my own water? If so, what kind of container
should I have?

The actual race…
What are some of the more popular races in this area?
How do you register?
Is there a fee?
Do I need to raise money or can I just give a donation?

It is my hope that by writing this I-Search and answering these questions, I will be able to achieve my goal of competing in a 10k race.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Contrast Intro #2

Where do I want to go to high school and spend the next 4 years getting an education? This question has been on my son’s mind for the last month and has kept us quite busy. Because we live in a town that does not have a high school, my son gets to choose where to attend high school. He can choose any high school but the only schools our town will provide transportation to are John Bapst and Brewer High School. So for us the choice came down to these two schools. The process was both fun and stressful at times and several factors ultimately helped him make his decision.

Contrast Intro #1

Living in a town that does not have its own high school gives my son the opportunity to choose which high school he would like to attend. Over the past month this has been quite the process for both him and I. Basically, he can go to any high school he wants but the town of Orrington will only provide transportation to Brewer High School and John Bapst. So for us the choice came down to these two schools and we have spent the last month visiting them and going through the application process. So the question was, “Where does my son want to spend the next 4 years getting an education?” The decision process came down to several things that ultimately helped him make his choice.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I-Search Background

For as long as I can remember, I have always wondered about those people I would pass running on the side of the road. I would think to myself, “How do they do that?” and “Why do they do that?”

In the last couple of years I have become healthier and have incorporated more exercise into my life. I have taken up hiking, joined a gym, bought a bike, and in general become more conscious about my health and well-being. In doing all this, I realized that exercise could be fun and it was something I really enjoyed. When I went to the gym, I loved getting on the treadmill. I especially liked doing interval training. Interval training is when you walk for 5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, and keep doing those intervals for the time set on the treadmill.

Then last summer I was having a hard time trying to get to the gym and I hated not exercising. So I decided that I was going to set the alarm 45 minutes earlier in the mornings and do the interval training outside, right on my road. So the mornings came, the alarm went off and I dragged myself out of bed. Well, after a few mornings I realized that I liked having my exercise out of the way early and I also had much more energy throughout the day when I exercised in the morning. It didn’t take long for me to build up my stamina and soon I was running 3 ½ miles several mornings a week. On the days I couldn’t run, because of weather or an early meeting at work, I found that I really missed it and I realized I had become addicted to running.

Last summer and fall I also participated in a couple of the fundraising walks. I loved participating in these walks and raising money for charity. At these events I met some people that also participated in some local 5k and 10k races. They told me that they really enjoyed running in these races and how much fun they were. Well I thought to myself, I could run in one of those events and what an accomplishment that would be. I guess I had become one of those people running on the side of the road. Now I want to become one of those people that run in races.

Classification Essay

Pizza, who doesn’t love pizza? I love pizza. There is nothing like pizza, especially at 1:00 a.m. after a night out on the town. But, how is one to choose what pizza and where to get it? There are so many different pizza varieties and pizza shops out there, you have to know what you like. For my family it is all about the crust...I like it thin, my son likes it thick and my boyfriend prefers deep-dish. So a typical pizza night in my house usually turns into a battle, each of us with our own argument on where to go and what kind to get.

My argument for thin crust usually plays out something like this…Let’s get a Thin and Crispy Pizza from UNOs. I know it isn’t your favorite, but thin crust pizza is crispier and you can taste the toppings better. It is healthier for us because it has less calories and less fat than the other pizzas. Plus, with thin crust pizza you can eat more because you won’t get as full as fast and who doesn’t want to eat more pizza? Then I usually end my argument on the begging side of things with, "C’mon please, we got your favorite last time and now it is my turn."

My 14 year-old son, who thinks he knows everything because he is 14, thinks the only kind of pizza out there is thick crust pizza and nothing else compares. He usually wants to go to Pizza Hut and get one of those thick crust, stuffed with something, kind of pizzas. His argument usually goes like this…Well I think we should get a stuffed- crust pizza from Pizza Hut. Thin crust pizza has no flavor and pizza should have that doughy texture like the thick crust pizza at Pizza Hut. Plus, we can get it stuffed with cheese. I don't want deep-dish, because that is more like a pie than pizza and you have to use a fork to eat it. Pizza is meant to be eaten with your hands, you shouldn’t have to use a fork. He will usually end his argument on the guilt side of things with somthing like, "Why can’t we are get what we want? You have the money, just write a check or use a credit card. Never mind, we never do what I want anyways."

My boyfriend, who is Italian, prefers the deep-dish pizza from UNOs. His argument for deep-dish usually is something like this…Let’s get deep-dish pizza from UNOs, they have the best crust around. One of the best things about it, is you get full faster and won’t eat as much, then we will have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Pizza two days in a row, how great is that? If we get thin crust, I eat too much and there are no leftovers and I don’t like thick crust because when you pick it up too eat it all the toppings slide off. Plus the best part of pizza is the crust and UNOs deep-dish pizza is fabulous. He usually ends his argument on the practical side of things with a comment like, "Let’s get deep-dish this time and then we will start taking turns, next time thick crust and then thin. C’mon, what do ya say?"

All this talk about pizza has me thinking I want pizza for supper. Now I must prepare for the "battle." Hopefully, my argument will prevail and we will end up ordering my favorite, plus I think it is my turn anyways. But if not, that is okay because what makes pizza so great is you can have it several times a week, make it different every time and no matter what, it is always yummy!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Classification Outro Revised

All this talk about pizza has me thinking I want pizza for supper. Now I must prepare for the "battle." Hopefully, my argument will prevail and we will end up ordering my favorite. But if not, that is okay because what makes pizza so great is you can have it several times a week, make it different every time and no matter what, it is always yummy!

Classification Intro Revised

Pizza, who doesn’t love pizza? I love pizza. There is nothing like pizza, especially at 1:00 a.m. after a night out on the town. But, how is one to choose what pizza and where to get it? There are so many different pizza varieties and pizza shops out there, you have to know what you like. For my family it is all about the crust...I like it thin, my son likes it thick and my boyfriend prefers deep-dish. So a typical pizza night in my house ususally turns into a battle, each of us with our own argument on where to go and what kind to get.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Classification Outro

All this talk about pizza has me thinking I want pizza for supper. Now in my family, the battle will begin over where to order, because we all like something different. I like it thin, my son likes it thick and my boyfriend likes deep-dish. That is what makes pizza so great…you could have it several times a week and make it different every time. Yummy!

Classification Intro #2

It is a 30 billion dollar per year industry. Americans consume 3 billion per year. It is America’s favorite food. What am I talking about, you ask? I am talking about pizza. Almost everyone loves pizza and when someone says they don’t like pizza, you look at them like they have 3 heads. But with so many different pizza varieties and pizza shops out there, how is one to choose? For me, it is all about the crust. There is the thin crust pizza, the thick crust pizza and the popular deep-dish. All have their own great qualities and most people have a favorite.

Classification Intro #1

Pizza, who doesn’t love pizza? I love pizza. There is nothing like pizza, especially at 1:00 a.m. after a night out on the town. But, how is one to choose what pizza and where to get it? There are so many different pizza varieties and pizza shops out there, you have to know what you like. When I choose what I want for pizza, it is all about the crust. There is thin crust, thick crust and the deep-dish…all with their own uniqueness and great qualities.

Graf #9

As I wrote this piece, all I can think about is Courtney. Courtney is my boyfriend’s niece who died in a car accident in December of 2006. I just loved Courtney, she was so full of life and down to earth and I am so glad she climbed with me that beautiful day in August. I remember going to her wake and her mom and dad had put up all these pictures of our climb up Mt. Katahdin and they told me that she loved climbing with me that day and had mentioned it on several occasions. Truth be known, as I sit here crying, this is probably another reason for my addiction to Mt. Katahdin because every time I climb or think about that mountain, I think about Courtney.

Rest in peace Courtney, you were taking from us way too soon and thank you for being with me that day and making me feel good by saying your body hurt as much as mine. Even though there was no way your 13 year old body felt the way my 36 year old body did. I love you!

Essay #1

There it is when you drive to Millinocket, straight ahead in all its glory. It is big and majestic and it makes most people stop and take pictures. I am talking about Mt. Katahdin, Maine’s highest peak and the end of the Appalachian Trail (or start depending which way you go). I just love driving into town and seeing the Mountain, it takes my breath away. It was August of 2005 that I had my first climb up that beautiful mountain and I experienced several things that day… physical exhaustion to the point that it hurt just to get out of bed and go down a flight of stairs without wincing; being so in-tune with nature and the company that I was with, I didn’t want it to end; and an enormous amount of pride in accomplishing something I didn’t think I could do. It is because of these things that I have become addicted to climbing Mt. Katahdin.

One reason for my addiction is there is nothing comparable to what you body goes through when climbing Mt. Katahdin. Climbing and especially descending the mountain will make your body hurt in places you didn’t even know existed. Believe it or not, this feeling of pain is addicting to me. I love feeling that I have pushed my body to its greatest limits and for about a week after climbing, every step I take makes me wince but I know what caused the pain and it makes it all worth it.

Another reason for my addiction is the actual feeling you get from being outside in the middle of nowhere with people you truly enjoy. My first climb up was with my boyfriend Tony, his brother-in-law, Corey, and his niece, Courtney. Both Tony and Corey had climbed the mountain more times than they can remember, but it was mine and Courtney’s first time. It was wonderful being with someone that was experiencing the same things I was for the first time. The conversations, experiences and things you see are different every time. I have since climbed with my son, my mom and other friends and each time brings a unique bonding experience that can not be matched.

The last reason for my addiction is the sense of pride you feel when your climb is complete. I remember being on a jet ski in the middle of Smith Pond with Courtney two days after our climb and looking up at the mountain and both of us thinking we did that and as sore as we both were, we knew it was all worth it. We accomplished something that most people won’t even think of doing.

So, as spring nears, I am already thinking about my next climb up Mt. Katahdin this summer. I will be looking to feel that pain when I go down a flight of stairs, feeling that the real world is a million miles away and the sense of pride in climbing it all over again. Because no matter how many times I climb it, I always experience those same thrills I felt on that first climb in August of 2005 when my addiction to Mt. Katahdin started. And every time I drive into Millinocket and I see that mountain straight ahead, I think to myself, “I did that!”


So, as spring nears, I am already thinking about my next climb up Mt. Katahdin this summer. I will be looking to feel that pain when I go down a flight of stairs, feeling that the real world is a million miles away and the sense of pride in climbing it all over again. Because no matter how many times I climb it, I always experience those same thrills I felt on that first climb in August of 2005 when my addiction to Mt. Katahdin started. And every time I drive into Millinocket and I see that mountain straight ahead, I think to myself, “I did that!”

Revised Intro

There it is when you drive to Millinocket, straight ahead in all its glory. It is big and majestic and it makes most people stop and take pictures. I am talking about Mt. Katahdin, Maine’s highest peak and the end of the Appalachian Trail (or start depending which way you go). I just love driving into town and seeing the Mountain, it takes my breath away. It was August of 2005 that I had my first climb up that beautiful mountain and I experienced several things that day… physical exhaustion to the point that it hurt just to get out of bed or to go down a flight of stairs without wincing; being so in-tune with nature and the company that I was with, I didn’t want it to end; and an enormous amount of pride in accomplishing something I didn’t think I could do. It is because of these things that I have become addicted to climbing Mt. Katahdin.