Monday, March 10, 2008

I-Search What

What I Know
I know that a lot of people set out to try and achieve this goal and may along the way fail for a variety of reasons. I know that training will not be easy and that you should be an experienced runner before trying to compete in a race. I know that some runners are plagued with pre-disposing injuries that can make the training process more difficult, if not impossible. This particular knowledge worries me for the simple fact that I am currently dealing with some left knee pain.

What I Don’t Know
I don’t know if my left knee pain will prevent me from achieving this goal. I suspect that in the long run, it will not prevent me from achieving my goal. After all, athletes have extensive knee injuries and surgeries and once rehabilitated, come back to their respective sport.

The main thing I know is that this is not going to be an easy thing to do, but I hope in the long run it is something I will accomplish.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

This is all good material and will find its way into the section, but take a look at your questions in the previous section. 'What I know' is really 'what I know or suspect about my questions before looking for answers.' So, you might want to copy the questions into this section and underneath each one, describe what you do and don't know about it.

That may seem mechanical, but it does help to extablish very clearly where the researcher is starting from.